XMMO Zen Focus Cat Boarding and Cat Grooming
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XMMO Cat boarding Cat grooming


Our Story

XMMO is a cat boutique that offers cat grooming and cat boarding services. XMMO name is originated from the Vietnamese word "Xóm Mèo" meaning a cat society, which the owner Ben Kim got inspiration during his Asian Style pet grooming workshop in Vietnam. The idea was to create an experience that both cats and owners want to revisit. We’re dedicated to focusing on just our feline friends, promising them happiness while giving you peace of mind.

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ben kim

Introducing Master Groomer Ben Kim, a seasoned entrepreneur with a decade of experience. Formerly the driving force behind renowned cafes like Annoying Brother Coffee, Ben's journey began in the world of hospitality. His artistic spirit, unsatisfied with latte art, led him to the exciting realm of grooming. With a passion for cats and a belief in the therapeutic power of pets, Ben aspires to groom every cat in Melbourne, echoing his motto, "Gotta get 'em all" inspired by his love for Pokemon. Challenge him to a Pokemon battle if you dare – he's always up for some friendly competition! 🐾✨


Hebrew 11:6

Master Groomer

  • Certified Feline Groomer, by International Society of Feline Cosmetologists Asia (ISFC), Singapore

  • 3rd Place Scissoring Pet Grooming Competition (ISFC), Singapore

  • Scissoring and Styling Master Course - PetPat, Singapore

  • Professional Cat Grooming Course, National Cat Groomers Institute (NCGI), United States of America

  • Professional Pet Grooming, A Touch Of Glass, Australia 

  • Pet Grooming Asian Style Workshop and Seminar, Yury Tseytlin, Australia

  • Pet Style Asian Academy - Korean Style with Jayson Mai, PSAA Vietnam 

  • Intensive Cat Grooming Course, MGC Vietnam

  • Feline Business Management Seminar, Melbourne VIC Australia

  • Feline Groomer Workshop, Grooming Space (GS) Thailand

XMMO Cat groomer


Meet Tiara Nguyen, our Cat Maid and Marketing Maven, bringing over a decade of digital marketing expertise. Having navigated the corporate world in major tech companies across the USA and Singapore, Tiara found her true passion in feline companions. Tiara co-founded XMMO with Ben, channeling her zeal into managing social media, branding, marketing, and cooking gourmet food for cats. Her dedication? Devoting her life to our beloved cats. 🐾💖



Proverbs 9:10


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